Hawksbill sea turtle

Sea Turtles

Hawksbill sea turtle
In This Section:

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation’s Sea Turtles Program is guided by a 10-year strategy to guide conservation investments that will measurably improve the current recovery trajectory of seven sea turtle populations in the Western Hemisphere.


Sea turtle species, once abundant in tropical and temperate oceans, are now vulnerable to extinction as a result of decades of intense exploitation, habitat alteration, marine pollution and bycatch in fisheries.

Key conservation strategies for this program include:

  • Reduce incidental capture in fishing gear: support incentive-based approaches for the development and implementation of turtle-friendly fishing gear;
  • Reduce direct exploitation of adult turtles: create incentives to reduce or eliminate poaching, hunting and directed fishing of sea turtles; and
  • Reduce or eliminate direct exploitation of sea turtle eggs: support increased nest protection through law enforcement, development of alternative livelihoods for poachers, reduction of feral dogs and other nest predators and improve outreach and education to local communities.

By reducing harmful coastal lights, preventing poaching, and controlling predation, NFWF projects have increased the productivity of over 100 miles of priority nesting beaches, allowing hundreds of thousands of new hatchlings to make it to the sea. NFWF in-water efforts to implement safer fishing gear practices reduced sea turtle bycatch by 50 to 100 percent in Canada, Mexico, Peru, and the United States, saving thousands of turtles annually. NFWF has also supported global priority setting, methods standardization and bycatch assessments to increase the efficiency of investments in sea turtle conservation world-wide.

Application Information

Sea Turtles 2025 Request for Proposals View Now
SWOT Decision Key View Now
How to Manage Your New Grant Webinar Recording View Now
10 Tips for Grantees View Now
Interim Programmatic Report Guidance View Now
Final Programmatic Report Guidance View Now

Program FAQ

Are any sea turtle projects eligible for funding?

Applicants should refer to the current RFP or business plan to determine if they have a project within one of the priority needs and geographies.

Program Fact Sheet and 2024 Grant Slate Download the PDF
Sea Turtle Business Plan Download the PDF
2022 Grant Slate Download the PDF
2021 Grant Slate Download the PDF
2020 Grant Slate Download the PDF
2019 Grant Slate Download the PDF
2018 Grant Slate Download the PDF
Staff Representatives

Senior Program Director, Marine Conservation

Regional Program Coordinator