Budget Instructions
A complete detailed budget and narrative must be submitted with NFWF Full Proposals. Applicants must provide the information requested per the guidelines in the RFP as well as in the Detailed Budget and Narrative Guide, in order to prevent review, approval and/or contracting delays (as applicable). Please use the following link to access the Detailed Budget and Narrative Guide.
The budget must comply with OMB’s Uniform Guidance. All costs must be itemized into the appropriate budget categories and must directly relate to the project activities described in the proposal. Do not include matching contributions in the proposal budget. The budgeted Total Costs must equal the amount requested from NFWF on the Project Information page. Please refer to the RFP as well as the link above for specific guidance on allowable line items. Submitted budgets that do not comply may be returned to the applicant and may cause delays in the proposal review process.
X Advocacy |
X Fundraising |
X Terrorist Activities |
X Lobbying |
X Litigation |
X Foreign Corrupt Practices Act violations |
NFWF has created an Indirect Cost Calculator to assist applicants with calculating the allowable indirect costs for their proposal budgets. Please click here to access the calculator.
Click Save regularly to save your work. The system will timeout and you will lose unsaved work if you do not save at least once every hour. Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are required. Click Help for examples and instructions specific to this Budget section. Click Save and Continue to save your work and move to the next section.
If you have questions concerning your application, please contact the staff member listed in your RFP. You can also email info@nfwf.org.