NFWF Grant Profile

Conservation Program(s):
Damage Assessment, Remediation, and Restoration Program
Project Title: Seabird Nest Protection at Kokechik Flats (AK)
Sea Lion Corporation
Project ID:

This project will protect nesting seabirds from human disturbance at Kokechik Flats, Alaska, a private in-holding within the Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge. Kokechik Flats is home to nesting waterfowl, Pacific Loons, Red-throated Loons, and Red Phalaropes (as well as other species), all of which were impacted by the Luckenbach and associated mystery spills. This nesting area has been continually threatened with disturbance by ATV riders and others.Activities include educating subsistence hunters and harvesters about sensitive resources, providing designated staging and camping areas, recommending transportation routes through sensitive nesting areas, developing written conservation and management guidelines and outreach materials, and providing on-site attendants to monitor activities and provide outreach for a 10-year period.

Award Amount:
The project area is a 30,000-acre parcel owned by Sea Lion Corporation and the Native Village of Hooper Bay. It is a private inholding within the Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge, 6 miles north of Hooper Bay in the Kusilvak Census Area on the west coast of Alaska.