NFWF Grant Profile

Conservation Program(s):
Chesapeake Bay Small Watershed Grants
Project Title: Bringing the Lynnhaven River Oyster Population to Restored Status (VA)
Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc.
Project ID:

Deliver a comprehensive oyster restoration project in the Lynnhaven River that will enhance the population of native eastern oysters andengage the watershed community on oyster restoration projects. Project will establish 7 acres of new oyster reef and place 15 million baby oysters within the river, which are estimated to remove 335 pounds of nitrogen and 67 pounds of phosphorus from the Lynnhaven River.

Award Amount:
The Lynnhaven River, located in VA Beach is a small, highly-developed watershed that discharges to the Bay through Lynnhaven Inlet. The watershed includes the E. Branch, the W. Branch, and the Broad Bay/Linkhorn Bay complex, and is approximately 64 square miles with ~150 miles of shoreline.