NFWF Grant Profile

Conservation Program(s):
Monarch Butterfly and Pollinators Conservation Fund
Project Title: Improving Habitat for Karner Blue Butterfly, Rusty Patched Bumble Bee, and Other Pollinators (WI)
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Project ID:

Restore or enhance barrens, savannas and grasslands in Wisconsin for Karner blue butterflies, Poweshiek skipperling, and rusty patched bumble bees through seed collections, interseeding, prescribed burning, invasive species control, and brush control. Project will restore 50 acres and improve 1,100 acres on public lands, collect 100 pounds of milkweed seed, conduct 25 workshops, reach 250 people, and create the Pollinator Preservation Initiative for seed collecting.

Award Amount:
16 properties in Wisconsin’s Central Sands and Southeast Glacial Plains regions including State Natural Areas, State Parks, State Forests, Fishery Areas, and Wildlife Areas