Improve forest management practices through Aububon's Woods, Wildlife, and Warblers program and continue to work with family forest owners, professional foresters and industry in the Lake Champlain and Upper Hudson watersheds in New York and Lake Champlain Basin in Vermont. Protect will restore 450 acres of young forest habitat and 1,000 acres of late successional habitat to benefit American woodcock, golden-winged warbler, black-throated blue warbler, and wood thrush.
NFWF Grant Profile
Conservation Program(s):
New England Forests and Rivers Fund
Project Title: Identifying Forest Blocks and Implementing Strategies to Improve Habitat for Birds (NY, VT)
National Audubon Society, Inc.
Project ID:
Award Amount:
Upper Hudson and Lake Champlain watersheds, New York, and Lake Champlain Basin, Vermont