NFWF Grant Profile

Conservation Program(s):
Damage Assessment, Remediation, and Restoration Program
Project Title: Southeast Louisiana Sea Turtle Stranding and Salvage Network (LA)
Audubon Nature Institute, Inc.
Project ID:

Provide for response capacity needs during both peak (February-June) and off season (July-January) stranding response in SE Louisiana and address the following needs that have been identified for the network. Activities to be conducted include coordinating response with the STSSN State Coordinator, photographing and measuring stranded turtles, completing STSSN forms, collecting carcasses according to protocols and guidelines for salvaging carcasses for necropsy, burying or disposing of carcasses not suitable for necropsy, reporting basic stranding data and photos to the STSSN State Coordinator within 48 hours, and submitting completed stranding forms to the STSSN State Coordinator within 7 days.

Award Amount:
Southeast coast of Louisiana