NFWF Grant Profile

Conservation Program(s):
Natural Resources Partnership Program
Project Title: Least Bell's Vireo Range Expansion Surveys on BLM Lands in the Mohave Desert and in the Central Valley (CA)
American Songbird Management and Recovery (ASMAR)
Project ID:

American Songbird Management and Recovery (ASMAR) will conduct focused Least Bell’s Vireo (Vireo bellii pusillus) (Vireo, LBVI) surveys in native willow-dominated riparian habitat on California BLM Lands in the Mohave Desert and in the Central Valley in the spring of 2021. The surveys will help determine the current population of the state and federally listed endangered Vireo in the Mohave Desert, and also determine if the Vireo has expanded back into the Central Valley portions of the historic range of the species from Kern County north; the results will enable the BLM and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) to complete a more accurate assessment of the size and distribution of the Vireo’s range-wide population, and the data generated will help the BLM assess the recovery of the species on their California lands.

Award Amount:
BLM Lands in the Central Valley and Mohave Desert, CA