NFWF Grant Profile

Conservation Program(s):
Longleaf Stewardship Fund
Project Title: Engaging Underserved Landowners for Longleaf Pine Restoration (AL, FL, GA, LA, MS, NC, SC, TX, VA)
National Wildlife Federation
Project ID:

Expand outreach, education, and technical and financial resources for historically underserved landowners to restore and manage longleaf pine habitat across the historical longleaf pine range. Partners will engage 500 landowners through outreach events, workshops, demonstration sites and hands-on trainings to restore and manage more than 1,000 acres of longleaf pine habitat benefitting Bachman's sparrow, northern bobwhite and other longleaf-dependent species.

Award Amount:
New demonstration projects and outreach activities will be determined based upon the approval of the Longleaf for All Leadership Team, as identified by The Longleaf Alliance and National Wildlife Federation. These projects will be located within the historic longleaf range.