Grants Library

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation supports vital conservation projects across the United States and its territories. Please search our grants library for additional information on individual grants.

Year Name Organization Location Award Amount
1989 NAWMP 2nd Step, Rhode Island Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management Southern Rhode Island $16,667.00
1989 Behring Ranch (CA) Wetlands National Audubon Society, Inc. Central Valley, California $100,000.00
1989 NAWMP 2nd Step, Oregon Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife North-central Oregon $16,667.00
1989 Cheyenne Bottoms (KS) Wetlands Ducks Unlimited, Inc. Central Kansas $33,000.00
1989 Guy Bradley Award, 1989 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Region 6 Colorado $1,330.00
1989 Trout Habitat Handbook The Montana Land Reliance Montana $5,000.00
1989 DU Print Match, Montezuma Wetlands (NY) The Nature Conservancy West central New York $75,000.00
1989 NAWMP 2nd Step, Ohio Ohio Department of Natural Resources North-central Ohio $18,787.00
1989 DU Print Match, Bayou Pierre (LA) Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Western Louisiana $24,000.00
1989 Cyanide Hazards to Wildlife U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 8 Nevada, Utah $475.00