2014 Partnership Meeting
Hosted by Southern Company, Mississippi Power and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, the 11th annual Stewardship Partners Meeting welcomed ~150 participants from April 8-10 to Biloxi, Mississippi. Below you can find handouts and other information from the event.
General Information
Keynote Address: Mississippi’s Natural Heritage
Enjoy highlights of the high quality habitats and diverse wildlife the Mississippi Gulf Coast has to offer. These natural resources serve as key driving forces that support and sustain economic development throughout the region.
Mark LaSalle - Director, Pascagoula River Audubon Center
America’s Longleaf Restoration Initiative
Case Study 1: DeSoto National Forest/Camp Shelby SGA
Panelists discuss what makes the region a Significant Geographic Area (SGA), reasons to invest in longleaf pine restoration, and how partnering with area stakeholders to develop a strategic plan helps achieve their goals and advance conservation across the landscape.
Clay Ware - Longleaf Pine Recovery Coordinator, USFWS [Moderator]
Becky Stowe - Manager, Terrestrial Program, The Nature Conservancy
Maj. Kenneth Bradley - Director, Environmental Programs, MS Army National Guard Ben Battle - District Ranger, DeSoto National Forest
Glenn Hughes - Extension Forestry Professor, MSU Extension Service
Case Study 2: The Coastal Headwaters Project
[Presentation unavailable: for more information, contact jbullock@resourcemgt.com]
Resource Management Service, LLC and The Conservation Fund have partnered to develop a first-of-its-kind opportunity to engage a major commercial timberland owner in converting a commercial slash/loblolly pine forest into a vibrant longleaf pine working forest ecosystem. This session provides an overview of the project and outlines how it may serve as a model for large forest landowners to play a significant role in longleaf restoration.
Jimmy Bullock - Senior VP, Forest Sustainability, Resource Management Services, LLC
Protecting our Coastal Birds
Part I: Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund Update
Following consultation with state and federal resource agencies, NFWF announced initial projects to receive funding through the Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund (GEBF) in November 2013. More than $112 million was obligated for 22 projects designed to protect, restore and enhance natural and living resources across the Gulf Coast. This presentation provides an update on the GEBF.
Mike Sharp - Director, Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund, NFWF
Part II: Coastal Bird Conservation Panel Discussion
Panelists discuss strategies being implemented and further efforts required to address the conservation needs identified to protect and enhance coastal bird populations.
EJ Williams - Chief, Migratory Bird Program, Southeast Region, USFWS [Moderator]
Julie Wraithmell - Director, Wildlife Conservation, Audubon Florida
Margo Zdravkovic - Co-founder and President, Conservian
Kacy Ray - Manager, Gulf Conservation Program, American Bird Conservancy
Mark Woodrey - Senior Research Associate, MSU Coastal Research and Extension Center
Special Luncheon Presentations: Health of the Gulf Three Years after Deepwater Horizon Spill
Ben Scaggs - Director, U.S. EPA Gulf of Mexico Program
Dr. Homer Wilkes - Director, Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem Restoration Team, NRCS
Concurrent Session A: Building a Good Map - SGA Planning for Longleaf Restoration and Management
Panelists share examples of current mapping and data collection efforts that identify where longleaf pine exists and its condition across the landscape. Discussion focuses on how these efforts and other models might support the development of a mapping framework that could facilitate longleaf restoration strategic planning and tracking accomplishments across SGAs.
Troy Ettel - Director, Forest Conservation, The Nature Conservancy [Moderator]
Carl Petrick - Ecosystems Staff Officer, The Nature Conservancy
Colette DeGarady - Senior Conservation Ecologist, The Nature Conservancy-SC
Session B: Private Landowner Assistance - Networking and Coordination
This session will highlight the development of a range-wide database for longleaf pine ecosystem restoration and management to assist individuals conducting outreach and providing technical assistance to private landowners. Discussion focuses on how this information can best be used to facilitate networking and coordination of private landowner outreach and assistance efforts. One example highlights the Alabama ALERT Team as a potential model for other states and local implementation teams across the range.
Glen Gaines - Regional Longleaf Restoration Coordinator, USFS [Moderator]
Robert Abernethy - President, The Longleaf Alliance
Tim Albritton - Alabama State Staff Forester, NRCS
Southern Company Power of Flight Project Updates
Native Warm Season Grass Establishment and Capacity Building
Claude Jenkins - Wildlife Biologist, Alabama Wildlife Federation
Southeastern American Kestrel Strategic Plan and Management
Ken Meyer - Executive Director, Avian Research and Conservation Institute
Whooping Crane Reintroduction to the Southeastern U.S.
Joe Duff - CEO and Pilot, Operation Migration