
Mountain Island Ranch
Restoring Wet Meadow Habitat on Mountain Island Ranch along the Little Dolores River (CO, UT)
Improve wet meadow habitat and forage along the Little Dolores River in Western Colorado to benefit Gunnison sage-grouse, elk, mule deer, wild turkeys, and waterfowl; restore stream flows and improve water quality; improve soil health; and increase drought resilience. Project will install 170 beaver dam analogues and Zeedyk structures, remove invasive vegetation and alter grazing patterns to restore 240 acres of wet meadow habitat.

National Audubon Society
Increase Collaboration of Sagebrush Conservation (multiple states)
Strategically coordinate internal and external communication between a wide range of stakeholders committed to improving communications about the sagebrush ecosystem to elevate not only individual efforts but also the larger dialog about the value and need for sagebrush conservation. Project will bring 100 acres of sagebrush habitat under improved management, develop media resources for community stake holders and host field tour events that elevate on-the-ground conservation.

Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
Reducing Human-Wildlife Conflicts with Ungulates Migrating through Salt Lake and Utah Counties (UT)
Reduce vehicle collisions along State Route 73 by fencing sections of the road and improving habitat conditions within the migration corridor along the west side of Utah Lake that have become infested with invasive cheatgrass. Project will restore 195 acres of habitat and reduce wildlife-vehicle collisions by nearly 60 percent.

West Box Elder Conservation District
Creating and Improving Wet Meadow and Grassland Habitat along Grouse Creek (UT, ID)
Improve and create wet meadow and grassland habitat for wildlife, promote aquatic habitat protection, and expand water developments to limit cattle use of riparian areas in Grouse Creek in Box Elder County, Utah. Project will bring 3,000 acres under improved management and restore hydrology on more than 500 acres of mesic habitat.