College of William and Mary, Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Test and Implement Commercial Grade Biodegradable Hinges on Dungeness Crab Traps (AK, VA, WA)
Employ commercial-grade biodegradable hinges on dungeness crab traps to minimize adverse impacts when the traps become derelict. Project will test the durability of the hinges in both the active fishery utilizing watermen and in a simulated derelict trap mode to ensure the function as needed to be functional for fishermen and protect marine ecosystems.
Columbia Land Trust
Acquisition of Mount Adams-Klickitat Canyon Forest (WA)
Conserve the 9,900-acre Mount Adams-Klickitat Canyon Forest through fee acquisition. Project will protect critical habitat for 36 federally and state-listed wildlife species or species of concern, as well as ensure the canyon’s role as a central link in a wildlife migration and dispersal corridor that connects 2 million acres of federal and tribal protected habitat to the north with tens of thousands of acres of state and private conservation lands to the south.
Fieldwork Communications
Nationwide Communication on Fisheries Electronic Technologies and Fisheries Information Systems (WA)
Develop and execute nationwide communication strategy for electronic monitoring and reporting technologies and modernization of the U.S. fisheries data systems. Project will develop communication materials and engage a network of stakeholders using digital platforms and social media to advance electronic monitoring and reporting technologies.
Friends of Willapa National Wildlife Refuge
Overlook and Outdoor Classroom for Willapa National Wildlife Refuge (WA)
Construct an overlook at Willapa National Wildlife Refuge. Project will provide an outdoor classroom for environmental education, increase accessible facilities, and raise awareness of the Friends group.
Kwiaht: Center for the Historical Ecology of the Salish Sea
Determining if Salish Sea Northern Anchovy can be Alternative Prey for Chinook Salmon (WA)
Assess the role of northern anchovy in Chinook diets as a possible alternative to their declining prey base. Project will sample and monitor Chinook salmon and forage fish around the San Juan Islands to determine whether increasing stocks of northern anchovy are a viable prey alternative or a competitor to current prey biomass.
Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership
Steigerwald Flood Risk Reduction and Floodplain Restoration for Salmonids and Lamprey (WA)
Reconfigure a 5.5-mile levee system to reconnect 960 acres of historic floodplain habitat, fish passage and establish native vegetation along a section of the lower Columbia River. Project will improve rearing habitat for salmon, steelhead, and lamprey; re-establish unobstructed fish passage to a 7 square mile watershed; reduce flood risk to an industrial park, municipal wastewater treatment plant, and private residences; and improve recreation opportunities.
Mid Sound Fisheries Enhancement Group
Restoring Shorelines to Increase Prey Availability for Southern Resident Killer Whales (WA)
Engage Central Puget Sound residential landowners to restore forage fish and juvenile salmon habitat using innovative outreach strategies and technical and financial incentives. Project will focus on restoring beach habitat to increase the prey availability for Southern Resident killer whales.
Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust
Issaquah Creek Riparian Restoration at Lake Sammamish State Park (WA)
Engage community members, volunteers, and AmeriCorps members to continue and expand ecological restoration efforts within the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Lake Sammamish Urban Wildlife Refuge Partnership. Project will undertake 10 new acres of restoration, support restoration on more than 40 acres, plant 4,000 native trees and shrubs, engage more than 200 volunteers, and connect with 100 youths through the organization’s outdoor environmental education program.
National Audubon Society
Increase Collaboration of Sagebrush Conservation (multiple states)
Strategically coordinate internal and external communication between a wide range of stakeholders committed to improving communications about the sagebrush ecosystem to elevate not only individual efforts but also the larger dialog about the value and need for sagebrush conservation. Project will bring 100 acres of sagebrush habitat under improved management, develop media resources for community stake holders and host field tour events that elevate on-the-ground conservation.
Nez Perce Tribe
Increase Flow Restoration Efforts in the Nez Perce Tribal Geographies (ID, OR, WA)
Increase flow restoration efforts in the Nez Perce tribal geographies. Project will increase tribal capacity to coordinate with other groups developing water transactions within the broad geography of ceded lands, and also enable the Tribe to propose transactions uniquely linked to tribal relationships, tribal treaty rights, and tribal sovereignty.
Nooksack Salmon Enhancement Association
Whatcom Stream Stewards Program (WA)
Restore 15 acres of riparian habitat to improve water quality and habitat for Chinook salmon, bull trout and steelhead in Puget Sound and Whatcom County. Project will engage five local resource management partners and 2,000 volunteers to plant 5,000 trees and remove 6 acres of invasive vegetation.
Pheasants Forever
Increasing Regional Capacity for Mule Deer Conservation (WA)
Increase organizational capacity to assist in developing and implementing conservation and restoration projects, promoting Natural Resource Conservation Service programs and building robust regional partnerships.
Port of Bellingham
Recycling Used Gill and Seine Nets in the Port of Bellingham (WA)
Collect and recycle or convert to energy used gill and seine nets in the Port of Bellingham, Washington, home to the second largest commercial fishing fleet in Washington State. Project will recycle or convert to energy 15 tons of fishing gear through a partnership with local recyclers, providing a safe and environmentally friendly option for local fisherman to dispose of their used nets.
Port of Grays Harbor
Collection of Fishing Gear and Public Outreach at Westport Marina (WA)
Collect and recycle or convert to energy retired crab, shrimp, tuna, oyster, salmon, and whiting affiliated fishing gear at Westport Marina, in Westport, Washington. Project will collect and recycle or convert to energy nearly 40 tons of fishing gear, serving 170 resident vessels and hundreds of transient seasonal vessels, while program outreach will educate fisherman and the public on the value and impact of recycling fishing gear.
Quileute Tribe
Restoring Thunder Field to Address Erosion and Enhance Salmonoid Habitat (WA)
Finalize engineering designs that address erosion and avulsion threats at Thunder Field to enhance salmonid habitat along 5.5 miles of river channel and associated floodplains, wetlands, and riparian habitat on the Quillayute River. Project will reduce channel migration and erosion using large wood and earthen structures to protect riparian, upland and stream habitat for wildlife.
SR3 SeaLife Response, Rehabilitation and Research
Monitoring the Nutritional Health of Southern Resident Killer Whales for Management (WA)
Use unmanned aerial systems to monitor the body condition, growth and pregnancy rates of Southern Resident killer whales. Project will relay nutritional health and effects on reproductive success to management to facilitative adaptive management of fisheries harvest, salmon restoration efforts, and medical interventions.
Sustainable Northwest
Pacific Northwest Forest Collaboratives and Indian Tribes Restoration Initiative (OR, WA)
Partner with Indian Tribes and Forest Collaboratives to implement and monitor fuels and wildfire risk reduction projects with forest restoration and wildlife habitat enhancement on three Pacific Northwest landscapes. Project will improve rural and Indigenous community protection against fire and restore forests, resulting in more than 430,000 acres managed for strategic fuel reductions and long-term conservation outcomes in Oregon and Washington.
The Whale Museum
Increasing Boater Awareness on Regulations to Protect Southern Resident Killer Whales (WA)
Establish clear messaging to communicate new rules for recreational boaters near Southern Resident killer whales. Project will support the creation of key messaging and design and generation of materials that will help the communities using the Puget Sound and Salish Sea region to understand and comply with recently released regulations.
The Whale Museum
Modeling Movement and Distribution of Killer Whales in the Salish Sea (WA)
Conduct analysis of 42 year dataset to establish models that relate Southern Resident killer whale movement to biotic and abiotic factors such as salmon returns, temperature and depth. Project will develop a baseline model of temporal and spatial killer whale use in the Salish Sea that can be used to overlay threats for improved management action.
Trout Unlimited
Elevating Instream Flow Enhancement in the Methow and Okanogan Basins - Colville (WA)
Identify, prioritize and develop water transactions in the Methow and Okanogan subbasins of Washington working in collaboration with the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation. Project will increase habitat and instream flow in priority tributaries and will build capacity for working with agricultural landowners on conservation projects that will benefit Pacific salmon, steelhead and their habitat.
Trout Unlimited
Hydrologic Flow Restoration in the Yakima, Entiat, and Wenatchee Basins (WA)
Identify, prioritize and develop projects with willing water right holders in the Entiat, Yakima and Wenatchee subbasins of Washington to complete significant instream flow enhancements to priority streams and tributaries. Project will improve tributary instream habitat to benefit listed salmon and other fish species and their habitats.
U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Northwest Fisheries Science Center
Monitoring Distribution, Habitat Use, and Prey Selection of Southern Resident Killer Whales (WA)
Conduct boat-based surveys for Southern Resident killer whales in the coastal waters of Washington. Project will determine whale distribution, habitat use, and prey selection to fill data gaps for managers about population use of this lesser understood coastal habitat.
Washington Department of Ecology
Restoring Graveyard Spit to Prevent Coastal Erosion in Willipa Bay (WA)
Develop the final engineering designs and permitting for the construction of a nature-based dune and cobble berm to restore and protect Graveyard Spit along the northern entrance to Willapa Bay, Washington. Project will halt the ongoing loss of the spit and the vulnerable back-barrier estuary, while also protecting community infrastructure that is threatened by coastal erosion and sea level rise.
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
Provide Streamflow Monitoring and Water Transaction Support (WA)
Provide stream monitoring and technical assistance to all Washington state Qualified Local Entities on prioritization, identification, and development of water right transactions. Project will provide review on monitoring plans to ensure that stream flow and, where appropriate, biological monitoring are incorporated into project monitoring plans.
Washington Water Trust
Stream Flow Restoration to Benefit Salmon, Steelhead and Trout in the Columbia Basin (WA)
Restore fish-critical streams in the Columbia River Basin by implementing instream flow acquisitions in the Methow, Yakima, Wenatchee, Klickitat, and White Salmon River basins. Project will benefit ESA-listed Chinook salmon and steelhead.
Washington Water Trust
Stream Flow Restoration to Benefit Salmon, Steelhead and Trout in the Columbia Basin, Colville (WA)
Restore fish-critical streams in the Columbia River Basin by implementing instream flow acquisitions in the Okanogan, Wenatchee, and Methow watersheds. Project will continue its partnership with the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation to benefit ESA-listed steelhead, spring Chinook, and bull trout.
Washington Water Trust
Stream Flow Restoration to Benefit Salmon, Steelhead and Trout in the Columbia Basin, Umatilla (WA)
Restore fish-critical streams in the Columbia River Basin by implementing instream flow acquisitions in the Walla Walla basin. Project will continue its partnership with the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Reservation to benefit ESA-threatened summer steelhead and bull trout.