
Nebraska Community Foundation, Rainwater Basin Joint Venture
Restoring Sandhills Grassland Habitat by Treating Invasive Eastern Red Cedar (NE)
Restore and enhance grassland habitat in the Nebraska Sandhills through the mechanical removal of Eastern red cedar and using two mobile burn units to support prescribed fire on private lands. Project will promote healthy, resilient grasslands that support profitable private working ranches, bringing 9,500 acres under improved management.

Pheasants Forever
Increasing Technical Assistance for Regenerative Agriculture and Cover Crops (NE)
Increase capacity to implement Best Management Practices (BMPs) for cover crops and standing crops, finding scenarios that work within a farming operation with a wildlife benefit in southeastern Nebraska. Project will implement 35 BMPs and avoid 26,400 pounds of nitrogen and prevent 8,830 pounds of phosphorus runoff annually.

Pheasants Forever
Providing Capacity to Implement Community-Based Grassland Conservation on Private Lands (NE)
Continue support for two positions that provide capacity for Eastern red cedar control, prescribed fire and grazing management through the Working Lands For Wildlife program and other opportunities in the Nebraska Sandhills. Project will implement innovative community-based grassland management to restore and enhance 90,000 acres on private lands.

Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory
Community-Led Conservation of Grassland Habitat on Private Working Lands (MT, NE, SD, WY)
Maintain grassland connectivity through community-led conservation efforts, supported by sound science from diverse knowledge sources and facilitated through habitat enhancement and restoration by qualified Private Lands Wildlife Biologists. Project will provide and deliver technical support for fish and wildlife habitat conservation, restoration and improved management on 5,000 acres of private lands.