Association of State Floodplain Managers
Strengthening Coastal Communities Resilience in the Great Lakes Region (multiple states)
Engage coastal shoreline communities in the Great Lakes region in a formal scenario-based process to identify local flood vulnerabilities and to convene complementary regional capacity building workshops to help participating communities prioritize strategies and projects that address identified vulnerabilities. Project will give coastal communities a better understanding of local coastal resilience issues and how to incorporate nature-based solution into plans, and build regional collaboration.
Black Swamp Conservancy
Habitat Maintenance and Enhancement at Little Auglaize Wildlife Reserve Early Successional Forest (OH)
Manage widespread infestations of invasive teasel and reed canary grass in an emergent wetland in the riparian zone of the Little Auglaize River. Project will treat invasive species across 125 acres of early successional forest habitat and 5 acres of wetland on a nature preserve to enhance the development of an early successional oak-hickory forest to increase habitat availability for listed bat species, migratory birds and other locally important species.
City of Mentor
Enhancing Nature-based Infrastructure and Water Quality at Mentor Lagoons Nature Preserve and Marina (OH)
Install permeable pavers and two vegetated buffers to enhance existing green stormwater infrastructure and alleviate stormwater runoff into Lake Erie. Project will expand green stormwater infrastructure at the Mentor Lagoons Nature Preserve and Marina to reduce stormwater runoff and enhance pollinator and migratory bird habitat.
Cleveland Metroparks
Capturing Stormwater and Adding Habitat at Cleveland Metroparks Lakefront Reservation (OH)
Install nature-based infrastructure at Lakefront Reservation to reduce stormwater directly being discharged into Lake Erie. Project will capture 5,337,805 gallons of stormwater, include interpretive signs for public education and volunteer engagement and benefit migratory bird species along the lakefront.
Cleveland Metroparks
Cleveland Harbor Eastern Embayment Resilience Design and Engineering (OH)
Design a plan for 79 acres of new in-water and nearshore habit and public parkland along Cleveland’s Lake Erie shoreline. Project will develop construction documents for the entire Habitat Loop of the project area that will contribute to resiliency of the area by building habitat and expanding parks, protecting the critical infrastructure of Interstate 90 along the shore, and stabilizing the unpredictable wave action adjacent to key recreation and transportation facilities.
Cleveland Metroparks
Cleveland Harbor Eastern Embayment Resilience Design and Engineering (OH)
Design a plan for 79 acres of new in-water and nearshore habit and public parkland along Cleveland’s Lake Erie shoreline. Project will develop construction documents for Phases B1 and A2 of the project area that will contribute to resiliency of the area by building habitat and expanding parks, protecting the critical infrastructure of Interstate 90 along the shore, and stabilizing the unpredictable wave action adjacent to key recreation and transportation facilities.
Groundwork Ohio River Valley
Connecting Youth to Regional Leaders in Conservation Across the Ohio River Valley (OH, IN)
Restore 15 acres in the Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge and in Cincinnati neighborhoods through mapping native and non-native plants, invasive species removal, seed collection and propagation and native replanting. Project will work with 100 paid youth green workforce development fellows across eight sites to cultivate regional environmental knowledge and support urban communities facing adverse climate challenges.
Michigan State University
Farmer Woodland Owner Technical Assistance to Enhance Agroforestry and Woodland Management (MI, OH WI)
Support integrated agricultural and farmer woodland and agroforestry management through collaborative extension programs that connect farmers with resource professionals to support ecosystem service markets, woodland management, agroforestry, and tree-planting practices. Project will help farmers navigate strategies for innovative uses of trees and forests to improve farm viability and increase water quality and social benefits.
Ohio Department of Natural Resources
Enhancing Lake Erie Forests Through Small Woodland Owner Technical Assistance (OH)
Expand forestry technical assistance and landowner education in northern Ohio’s Lake Erie watersheds to enhance the health and productivity of woodlands, improve water quality and enhance wildlife habitat. Project will increase access to and impact of forestry technical assistance, engaging 800 landowners and ultimately changing behavior of 400 landowners.
Pollinator Partnership
Expanding Outreach on Working Lands Conservation for Monarch Butterflies (IN, OH)
Provide technical assistance to help a variety of landowners learn about the Working Lands for Wildlife and Farm Bill programs and how to enroll. Project will expand landowner outreach and increase implementation of Farm Bill programs to help accelerate adoption of conservation practices that support habitat for monarch butterflies and other species of concern in Indiana and Ohio.
Put-in-Bay Township Park District
Scheeff and Middle Bass Island East Point Preserve Shoreline Stabilization (OH)
Construct a living shoreline at Scheeff East Point Preserve through a variety of natural shoreline restoration techniques. Project will remove foreign debris, place fallen trees and boulders to stabilize existing shoreline and deflect wave energy, and plant native vegetation and beach materials to enhance wetland and aquatic habitat for native mussels and fish.
The Nature Conservancy
Increasing Stormwater Retention and Restoring Wetlands along Ottawa River (OH)
Create stormwater retention areas and restore floodplain wetlands along the Ottawa River. Project will convert manicured turf floodplain into a forested wetland complex that will capture and filter an estimated 33 million gallons of stormwater remove pollutants such as phosphorous, nitrogen, and coarse sediment, and plant 5,000 trees.
The Nature Conservancy
Maintaining Lakeplain Oak Openings through Invasive Species Management (OH) - II
Enhance habitat quality in globally imperiled Lakeplain Oak Openings natural communities in Northwest Ohio. Project will improve habitat for species dependent upon Lakeplain Oak Openings through the deduction of invasive plant species that degrade habitat quality and ecosystem function, and conservation of plant and animal diversity in a global biodiversity hot spot within the Lake Erie basin.