Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
Little River Plateau Shortleaf Pine Restoration (AL)
Establish 375 acres of shortleaf forest on the Little River Wildlife Management Area in northern Alabama. Project will conduct habitat and ecological restoration activities including harvest of the drought damaged loblolly pine plantation, application of site treatments, introduction of prescribed fire, and planting of shortleaf pine trees.
Alabama Forestry Foundation
Engaging Private Landowners to Restore Shortleaf Pine, White Oak Forests and Aquatic Habitat (AL)
Engage family forest owners in north Alabama to restore and improve more than 10,000 acres of shortleaf pine, white oak and riparian forests, and remove stream barriers to improve habitat connectivity to 15 miles of stream, benefiting at-risk aquatic species. Project will implement a marketing strategy to target high-priority landowners and will engage 600 landowners through outreach events and technical assistance which will result in at least 60 landowners implementing conservation practices.
Alabama Forestry Foundation
Restoring Longleaf Pine Forests and Improving Habitat for At-Risk Species in South Alabama
Engage family forest owners in a 27-county area of south Alabama by providing education and technical assistance to restore and enhance longleaf forests and improve habitat for at-risk species. Project will target 8,000 landowners through a marketing campaign and engage 800 through outreach events with 80 landowners expected to take action, impacting a total of 24,628 acres and improving habitat for gopher tortoises and other fire-dependent at-risk species found in longleaf forests.
Alabama Wildlife Federation
Providing Technical Assistance to Restore Longleaf Pine on Private Lands in Alabama
Target private landowners interested in wildlife management for the restoration and/or enhancement of 6,000 acres of longleaf pine located within 31 counties within Alabama. Project will increase landowner outreach and recruitment through collaboration with partner organizations and landowner-hosted events, including events targeting underserved private landowners.
Amphibian and Reptile Conservancy
Restoring Water Quality and Connectivity for Species in the Black Warrior-Tombigbee Watershed (AL)
Improve stream habitat connectivity and water quality in the Upper Black Warrior, Mulberry, and Sipsey Fork watersheds in Alabama, benefiting the Black Warrior waterdog, flattened musk turtle and other at-risk aquatic species. Project will inventory and prioritize stream barriers, remove 14 high-priority barriers to restore 150 miles of stream habitat connectivity, and revegetate and stabilize the banks of one cumulative mile of riparian forest buffer.
City of Auburn
Leveraging Infrastructure Funding to Promote Stewardship (AL)
Plant 2,000 longleaf pine seedlings, engage 150 students and 25 community volunteers through workshops, volunteer opportunities and classroom instruction. Project will improve water quality by capturing stormwater runoff and contribute to long term watershed stewardship by increasing awareness, understanding, and professional skill in the area of watershed management.
Forest Landowners Association
Engaging Large-Scale Landowners for Longleaf Pine Restoration (Multiple States)
Establish 2,500 acres of longleaf pine and improve 5,500 acres of existing longleaf forest with prescribed fire on large-acreage private lands within the historical longleaf pine range. Project will address barriers to restoring longleaf pine on large-acreage private lands by building trust among stakeholders to achieve collaborative conservation for at-risk and listed species, and providing technical and financial assistance to support planting and management of longleaf pine.
Coordinating American Oystercatcher Recovery and Conservation along the Atlantic Coast (multiple states)
Coordinate the American Oystercatcher recovery initiative, conduct a range-wide aerial survey to count all wintering oystercatchers along the Southeast Atlantic and Gulf coasts (United States), and reduce the impact of predators and human disturbance on populations of coastal breeding shorebirds. Project will support the goals of the Atlantic Flyway Business Plan by creating a framework for long-term protection, restoration, and creation of shorebird habitat at key sites.
Marine Environmental Sciences Consortium / Dauphin Island Sea Lab
Deer River Coastal Marsh Stabilization and Restoration (AL)
Stabilize 5,600 feet of shoreline along an erosion-impacted and storm-vulnerable saltmarsh near Deer River, restore 30 acres of marsh, and improve water quality in the Middle Fork of Deer River by closing a breach and dredging silted-in portions, allowing it to flow its full length. Project will address the stressors underlying the shoreline erosion with engineered headland breakwaters and pile-supported breakwaters, enhancing the long-term resilience of nearby residents and industrial assets.
Paint Rock Forest Research Center
Southern Cumberlands Shortleaf Pine Seed and Seedling Initiative (AL, GA, TN)
Address the lack of genetically appropriate shortleaf pine seed and seedling resources for reforestation and restoration. Project will identify appropriate seed banks within Tennessee and Alabama; collect seeds to support three years of propagation; send seeds to processing and storage centers; select appropriate nurseries for propagation; produce over 75,000 seedlings ready for distribution to vetted projects in the second year of the grant; and develop plans for a permanent seed orchard.
Pheasants Forever
Restore Shortleaf Pine Forest and Grassland Ecosystems on Private Lands (AL, TN)
Increase landowner outreach and technical assistance, including engagement of historically underserved landowners, in the Cumberland Plateau region to accelerate adoption of Farm Bill programs and practices to restore shortleaf pine and other woodland and savanna ecosystems. Project will restore 1,100 acres of habitat through the use of prescribed fire, forest thinning and invasive species removal, benefiting northern bobwhite, Bachman’s sparrow and other forest and grassland dependent species.
The Longleaf Alliance
Longleaf Ecosystem Restoration in the Gulf Coastal Plain Ecosystem (AL, FL)
Restore the longleaf pine ecosystem, with a focus on improving habitat and conservation of several rare species in the Gulf Coastal Plain Ecosystem, such as the red-cockaded woodpecker, gopher tortoise, and Bachman’s sparrow. Project will improve more than 181,000 acres of longleaf pine habitat through prescribed burns, control of invasive species, and plantings of longleaf pine and ground cover, and will reach 900 landowners in Alabama and Florida with education and technical assistance.
The Nature Conservancy
Expanding Longleaf Pine Restoration and Management in Talladega Mountains (AL, GA)
Restore and maintain the unique montane longleaf ecosystem in the foothills of the Appalachians in Alabama and Georgia through the increased use of prescribed fire and support of longleaf pine reforestation efforts. Prescribed fire crews will assist public and private landowners, including Talladega National Forest, with burning 20,000 acres of longleaf pine habitat and partners will restore 2,125 acres of longleaf through plantings, and will target 400 landowners through outreach and education.
The Nature Conservancy
Priority Stream Restoration Planning and Outreach in Locust Fork and Big Canoe Creek Watersheds (AL)
Provide landowner outreach, field support, technical assistance, and initial project planning efforts to facilitate priority stream restoration projects within the Locust Fork and Big Canoe Creek watersheds in Alabama. Project will improve downstream effects of sedimentation and non-point source pollution resulting in improved water quality and expansion of critical habitat for impacted species, including Black Warrior waterdog, flattened musk turtle and trispot darter.
Town of Dauphin Island
Shoreline Habitat Restoration in Aloe Bay (AL)
Rebuild the previously existing natural first line of defense against storm surge and rising sea levels to mitigate impacts of future storms, increase the resilience of Aloe Bay, and restore native marsh and oyster habitat. Project will construct up to 2,900 linear feet of living shoreline breakwater; create up to 8.5 acres of marsh, tidal creeks, and lagoons; and create 0.25 acres of oyster reef habitat.