Required Financial Documents
The following financial documentation must be submitted with NFWF full proposals. Applicants are encouraged to provide this information at the time of application in order to prevent review, approval and/or contracting delays (if applicable). Below, you will find a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) to assist you with compiling the required information. If you have additional questions regarding documentation requirements or unanswered questions, please contact the NFWF staff representative listed in the RFP or your Grants Administrator.
All documentation must represent the same fiscal year period, must be the most recent financial information available, and must be less than two years old. For instance, fiscal year 2021 audited financial statements should be accompanied by the entity’s fiscal year 2021 IRS Form 990.
The following table breaks out the required documents by type of entity:
Organization Type | Required Financial Documentation | |||||||
1IRS Form 990 or Electronic Notice (e-Postcard) | EIN or FEIN | Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) | 2Applicant Controls Questionnaire | 3Single Audit | GAAP Audit | 4Balance Sheet AND Income Statement | 6NICRA or CAP | |
Nonprofit Organizations | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Only if no Single Audit | Only if there is no Single Audit or GAAP Audit | Yes, if requesting indirect costs |
U.S. Federal Governments | No | Yes | Yes | No | N/A | No | No | Yes, if requesting indirect costs |
State, Local & Municipal Governments | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Only if no Single Audit | Only if there is no Single Audit or GAAP Audit | Yes, if requesting indirect costs |
Tribal Governments | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Only if no Single Audit | Only if there is no Single Audit or GAAP Audit | Yes, if requesting indirect costs |
For-Profit Corporations | No, Just Memo | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Only if no Single Audit | Only if there is no Single Audit or GAAP Audit | Yes, if requesting indirect costs |
International Organizations | N/A | N/A | Yes | Yes | N/A | Yes, provide GAAP audited financial statements equivalent | Only if not included with audited financial statements | Yes, if requesting indirect costs |
1 If the entity is not required to file an IRS Form 990, they must provide a memo on company letterhead, signed with functional title, date and reason. If the entity is newly incorporated and has not filed the IRS Form 990, they must provide the entity’s IRS Tax Exempt Status Determination Letter.
2 Complete and sign the questionnaire if your organization does not have a recent (within two years) single audit uploaded to the federal audit clearinghouse. Do not include copies of policies or procedures with the submission of this form.
NFWF utilizes this questionnaire along with a risk assessment to determine eligibility and compliance requirements, which may include the following: additional reporting, restriction of advance funding, and/or submission of supporting documentation.
3 If no Single Audit, entity must provide a memo on letterhead, signed with title and date stating that: "[entity name] is not required to obtain a Single Audit because we have not expended more than $750,000 of federal funds within our fiscal year."
4 Financial statements include both a Balance Sheet/Statement of Position and an Income Statement/Statement of Activities.
5 Financial documents may be requested on a case-by-case basis.
6 Please see NFWF's Indirect Cost Policy for detailed requirements.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is an IRS Form 990?
IRS Form 990 is an annual reporting return that certain federally tax-exempt organizations must file with the IRS. The IRS Form 990 must reflect the same fiscal year as the financial statements provided (Single Audit, GAAP Audit, Balance Sheet and Income Statement). For more information regarding IRS Form 990 filing requirements and exemptions, please go here.
2. What is an IRS Tax Exempt Status Determination Letter?
The Tax Exempt Status Determination Letter is an IRS-issued letter indicating that federal tax exemption status has been granted to the organization. Organizations not based in the U.S. must provide official documentation of the organization's not-for-profit status, issued by a relevant municipal, regional or government agency.
3. Are international organizations without the required IRS documents eligible to apply?
Yes. Comparable documents available in the organization’s home country (e.g. official determination letters, returns required by the home country’s government, or audits) should be provided to NFWF with your application. If the documents provided are in a language other than English, please explain in English, either in a separate document or on the actual document, how each document fulfills our application requirements. As a general rule, an official letter indicating the organization’s non-profit status, as well as audited financial statements, are required. If financial statements are not available, please submit the organization’s three most recent bank statements.
4. What are GAAP audited financial statements?
GAAP audited financial statements are those that have been prepared, usually by a CPA (certified public accountant), in adherence to generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). The GAAP audit results in an expressed opinion (unqualified, qualified, adverse or disclaimer) on whether the organization's financial statements are presented fairly and in conformity with GAAP standards.
If your organization does not have GAAP financial statements, unaudited financial statements (balance sheet and income statement) must be provided. Additional information may also be requested. If financial statements are not available, please submit the organization’s three most recent bank statements.
5. What if I do not have up-to-date financial documents?
NFWF requires that the most recent financial documents be submitted during the application process or at minimum the documents are no more than two fiscal years old. Financial documents older than two fiscal years will not be accepted.
6. What is a Single Audit?
The Single Audit (formerly A-133 Audit) is an annual audit of entities that expend $750,000 or more of federal financial assistance funds in a fiscal year. The objective is to provide assurance to the U.S. federal government of the proper management and use of such funds by recipients and encompasses both financial and compliance components.
7. I am a newly-formed organization with limited financial activity and as a result I do not have the required financial documents. What do I need to do in order to apply?
Newly created organizations (less than one year old) or those structured to have very little financial activity may still be eligible to apply to NFWF. These organizations will need to submit their three most recent bank statements and a copy of the organization's IRS Tax Status Determination letter (if applicable). Further information may also be requested.
8. Do I need to submit the required financial documents on the application's website or can I submit them in hardcopy?
Documents should be electronically submitted during the application process in Easygrants using the appropriate upload types. Upload types of IRS Form 990, GAAP Audited Financial Statements, Single Audit, and Indirect Rate Agreement will show a status of “successfully validated” when they have been accepted and will not be included in the PDF version of your proposal. Secured or password protected PDF files cannot be accepted by Easygrants. If the entity’s financial documents are available online, a link or instructions for accessing the audits and/or financial statements may be provided. If you cannot submit the required documents through the Easygrants application system, contact the program officer for further instructions.
9. What is a DUNS number?
The Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number was a unique nine-digit identification number provided by Dun & Bradstreet (D&B). DUNS numbers are no longer required for the purposes of doing business with the U.S. Federal Government. As of April 4, 2022,the U.S. Federal Government requires a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI).
10. What is a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI)?
The Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) is a twelve-character alpha-numeric combination assigned by SAM.gov, which is used to identify every entity seeking to do business with the U.S. Federal Government (grants, loans, contracts, etc.). As of April 4, 2022, the U.S. Federal Government will use the Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) assigned by SAM.gov. For guidance on how to obtain a UEI, click here.
11. What is the System of Award Management (SAM)?
The System of Award Management (SAM) is a government-wide system that validates business information for federal grant and contract recipients. The federal government requires that all applicants for federal assistance register in SAM and maintain an active SAM registration at all times during which there is an active award or pending application. For additional information, please visit SAM.gov.