Healthy coral reef


Healthy coral reef

Reporting Requirements in Easygrants

As detailed in your grant agreement, NFWF has four different kinds of reports; two that are submitted during the project and two that are submitted at the end of the project. If the period of performance for your project is one year or shorter, you may not be required to submit the first two kinds of reports.


Submitting an Interim Programmatic Report in Easygrants

Depending on the length of your project, you may be required to submit one or more Interim Programmatic Reports for the project. If you are required to submit this report, it will be listed in the "Reporting Due Dates" section of your grant agreement. You will be asked to provide brief descriptions of "Summary of Accomplishments" and "Lessons Learned" and updates on the metrics from your full proposal. You will also be asked to complete a brief narrative report that you will download to your computer, complete and upload into the reporting task. The Grants Administrator will review the report and follow up with you if there are any questions.


Submitting an Annual Financial Report in Easygrants

Depending on the length of your project, you may be required to submit one or more Annual Financial Reports for the project. If you are required to submit this report, it will be listed in the "Reporting Due Dates" section of your grant agreement. This report will show you what NFWF has disbursed for the project between the project start date and September 30th of the reporting year. You will be prompted to enter how much of the disbursed amount you have actually spent, and provide an explanation for any variance between the disbursed amount and spent amount. NFWF will review the report and follow up with you about next steps if a significant amount of funds remains unspent. Note that you will not be expected to expend the entire NFWF award; rather, we are looking to make sure that you have expended most or all of what's been disbursed to you up until that point. 


Submitting an Interim Financial Report in Easygrants

At NFWF's discretion, you may be required to submit monthly or quarterly Interim Financial Reports for the project. If you are required to submit this report, it will be listed in the "Reporting Due Dates" section of your grant agreement. This report has four distinct sections. The first section asks for basic project information. The second section asks you to compare the amount of NFWF funds you have received to the amount of funds you have received and spent on the project. The third section asks you to compare your spending-to-date to the approved budget for each budget category. The final section asks you to report the amount of matching contributions raised for the project to date and the amount of matching contributions raised and expended on the project to date. For projects with quarterly reporting, the form is asking for you to report on the period of time between the Project Start Date and the end date of the previous quarter (December 30, March 31, or June 30.) For projects with monthly reporting, the form is asking for you to report on the period of time between the Project Start Date and the end date of the previous month. NFWF will review the report and follow up with next steps if a significant amount of funds remains unspent, if there has been a significant change in spending, or if fewer matching funds are reported than expected. Also note that you will not see this link on your homepage until two weeks prior to the report due date.


Submitting a Final Financial Report in Easygrants

As detailed in the grant agreement you will receive, you will be required to submit a Final Financial Report, due no later than 90 days after your project end date. The Final Financial Report will show you the budget that was approved for the project, and you will be asked to enter actual amounts spent by line item. If there were changes from the originally approved line item amounts, that is fine; please enter the actual amounts spent in each line item, describing any changes that were needed. The report also shows you the matching contributions that were listed in your full proposal - you will be asked to update/add/delete contributions as appropriate. The status of any matching contributions actually received and spent should have a status of "Received."


Submitting a Final Programmatic Report in Easygrants

The Final Programmatic Report will prompt you for brief descriptions of "Summary of Accomplishments" and "Lessons Learned." These fields are hard-coded into our database and grants library. The report will also show you any metrics that were provided in the Full Proposal for the project. Please update this information as appropriate. You will also be asked to upload certain documents, including a completed narrative report (for which you will download a template from the reporting task) and photographs. When uploading photos, if you use the Photos value from the picklist, you will have to upload photos that are .jpegs and you must upload them individually. If you would like to upload multiple photos at once, as in a PowerPoint, you can do that by selecting "Other Documents."

If you have questions regarding your grant, please contact your grants administrator. You can also email