Requesting Payment
When you are ready to begin invoicing NFWF for funds, complete a payment request form and submit it through Easygrants following the instructions below. If you want to submit a payment request for a project for which you are not the primary contact, please contact your Grant Administrator.
You may request funds for reimbursement at any time through Easygrants and for any amount up to the final 10% of the total award amount, which is typically held back until final reports are submitted. If you wish to request an advance, please e-mail your Grants Administrator so they can assign you a task in Easygrants. You must detail how the funds will be used and provide justification and a timeline for expected disbursement of these funds. A request of an advance of funds must be due to an imminent need of expenditure. If you are requesting funds for an acquisition or easement, please tell your GA so they can assign you the right task.
In order to be eligible for payment, you must have a signed agreement with NFWF, have a completed Vendor Setup Form on file with NFWF, and have submitted any required reports. If you have not completed one or more of these tasks, please contact your Grant Administrator for assistance.
If you request an electronic payment (rather than a check) and your project has multiple funding sources (which are identified on page one of your grant agreement), you may receive multiple electronic payments that total the amount you requested.
For more details and step-by-step instructions please download our Payment Request Guide.
Reimbursement Request Steps
- Log in to Easygrants. (Note that only official contacts for a project will have access to create a Submit Reimbursement Request task. If you are not an official contact, please contact your Grant Administrator.)
- Click on the "My Grants" tab and then click on Easygrants ID for the grant for which you would like to request reimbursement.
- In the dropdown menu "Grantee Requests/Actions" choose "Submit Reimbursement Request", and click the "Request" button.
- Easygrants will confirm you want to start a new reimbursement request. Click "OK" to continue. You will be redirected to the Submit Reimbursement Request task.
- On the Uploads page, follow the instructions in the task to download the reimbursement request template and upload the completed reimbursement request and supporting documentation.
- On the Expenditure Details page, enter your expenditures to date as compared to your approved project budget. Note that you should include all expenditures to date whether or not you have received NFWF funds for those expenses.
- On the Match page enter Federal and Non-federal match expended on the project to date along with any relevant notes on the progress made toward the matching contributions requirement.
- On the Certification page to certify your submission.
- When you are finished, go to the "Review and Submit" page and hit the submit button to send this request to the Foundation.
- You will receive a confirmation email from easygrants@nfwf.org when the task has been successfully submitted.
- To access an incomplete reimbursement request, log in to Easygrants, then under the "My Tasks" section locate and click on the blue link for the "Submit Reimbursement Request" task. The Easygrants ID number for the project will be displayed to the left of the task name.
- To print a hard copy of your Reimbursement Request, log in to Easygrants, click View All Tasks, and click the View PDF button to the right of the Submit Payment Request task.
- Email your Grant Administrator with any questions.
To submit an Advance or Acquisition Request please e-mail your assigned Grants Administrator. They will assign the appropriate task via Easygrants, which will include the appropriate request template.
If you have questions concerning your grant, please contact your grants administrator. You can also email info@nfwf.org.