Tools for Current Grantees
Summary Report of the Model Ecosystem Restoration and Conservation Collaboratives Project - Overview of key recommendations, findings, and methods of a qualitative research study conducted by a team from the University of Virginia between December 2018 and June 2019. The study was commissioned by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Chesapeake Bay Program with the goal of better understanding why and how ecosystem collaboratives may have the potential to accelerate on-the-ground activities and outcomes for watershed conservation and restoration.
2022 SWG Grantee Webinar - NFWF’s grant procedures for 2021 SWG grantees. View webinar slides here.
2022 INSR Grantee Webinar - NFWF’s grant procedures for 2021 INSR grantees. View webinar slides here.
2022 Chesapeake WILD Grantee Webinar - NFWF’s grant procedures for 2021 WILD grantees. View webinar slides here.
Amendment Requests for Existing Grants - This page gives instructions for submitting an amendment request within the Easygrants database.
Building Competitive Projects and Proposals: A NFWF Grants Writing Workshop - While this workshop was designed for the Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts it included information that is relevant for all potential grant applicants. The webinar covers Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund programs, tips and insights for strengthening project proposals, and shares resources for technical support.
Chesapeake Bay Watershed Technical Assistance Providers List - This document serves as a resource for grantees and members of the broader Chesapeake Bay watershed community seeking technical assistance. The list is compiled from self-populated information from service providers and should not be considered comprehensive and inclusion on this list does not indicate a NFWF endorsement or preference for any provider.
FieldDoc - To assist applicants in generating credible nutrient and sediment load reduction estimates, NFWF has partnered with the Chesapeake Commons and Maryland Department of Natural Resource to develop FieldDoc, a user-friendly tool that allows consistent planning, tracking, and reporting of water quality improvement activities and associated nutrient and sediment load reductions from proposed grant projects.
Field Liaison Support - This document provides details and contact information concerning our Field Liaison support and services.
Quality Assurance - For certain awarded grants, especially those involving data collection or analysis, that have Quality Assurance Statements (QAS) or language requiring project partners to complete a Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) in their contracts. This page provides more information and relevant documents.
Tell Your Story! NFWF’s Communications Tool Kit - This document provides grantees with helpful hints for conducting a successful public relations and communications outreach campaign to amplify their local restoration efforts.
Tell Your Story! NFWF Communications Tool Kit Webinar - An overview of NFWF's Communications Tool Kit for current grantees to learn about message development, creating press-worthy events, targeting and pitching media, and establishing an online presence for their organization.
For assistance with EasyGrants, please contact your Grants Administrator.