NFWF Grant Profile

Conservation Program(s):
Northern Great Plains
Project Title: Birds, Herds, and Stewards: Sustainable Working Lands for the Future – Enhancing Northern Great Plains Grasslands Biodiversity, Productivity, and Economics
American Bird Conservancy
Project ID:

American Bird Conservancy (ABC) will promote educational opportunities and land stewardship activities in the core of the Northern Great Plains by offering workshops and providing conservation technical assistance, developing conservation plans, assisting private and tribal landowners in enrolling in Farm Bill programs, and coordinating with federal land managers on activities that will enhance habitat for grassland birds while maintaining sustainable land use. Outcomes include enhanced landowner and resource professional knowledge of grassland conservation and soil health, implementation of sustainable wildlife-compatible management across the project area, and restoration and/or improved management practices on 26,000 acres.

Award Amount:
The focus counties are within the Dakota Grasslands: MT - Prairie, Custer, Fallon, Powder River, Carter; ND - Slope, Bowman, Sioux; SD- Harding, Perkins, Corson, Dewey, Ziebach and the Powder River-Thunder Basin Grasslands: WY - Weston, Converse, Niobrara, Campbell; SD - Fall River.