NFWF Grant Profile

Conservation Program(s):
Northern Great Plains
Project Title: Pronghorn, Pinch Points and People: putting science into action to facilitate pronghorn movements in the Northern Great Plains
Miistakis Institute for the Rockies Inc.
Project ID:

This project builds the case for ensuring safe movement of pronghorn across highways in the Canadian portion of the Great Northern Plains through development of a participatory science program. Pinch points that have been identified along the Canadian highway network where seasonal pronghorn movements are impaired, these need to be ground truthed, public support needs to be built and the business case needs to be outlined to provincial agencies responsible for implementing strategies to enable effective pronghorn movement. Through a citizen science approach stakeholders and the public will be engaged in science and conservation action to the benefit of pronghorn and other wildlife species impaired by road fragmentation. Ultimately the program will create support for the instillation of an overpass(es)1 across Highway 1 and the identification of crossing sites along secondary highways (e.g. Highway 41).

Award Amount:
The program study area include highways within Pronghorn range in southeaster Alberta, and southeastern Saskatchewan. Primary Highway is Trans Canada and secondary highways include 41, 3 and 32.