NFWF Grant Profile

Conservation Program(s):
Southern California Forests and Watersheds
Project Title: Restoring Fire-Affected Riparian Habitat for Federally Listed Birds and other Wildlife Species in the Los Padres National Forest
American Bird Conservancy
Project ID:

This project will result in multi-partner, multi-year ecological restoration action plans developed and initiated at two riparian vegetation impaired sites within the Los Padres National Forest impacted by the Zaca fire to benefit at risk species. At risk species targeted include Least Bell’s Vireo, Southwestern Willow Flycatcher, Yellow-billed Cuckoo, steelhead trout, and amphibians. Baseline metrics for each site will be determined, conservation strategies and Best Management Practices described including timing of activities, resources and funds needed identified, and local communities and partners consulted and engaged. All conservation will be coordinated to avoid duplication of efforts, and data shared with local and international conservation partners working on the same at-risk species at other sites. At-risk species including Least Bell’s Vireo, Southwestern Willow Flycatcher, Yellow-billed Cuckoo, steelhead trout, and amphibians.

Award Amount:
Los Padres National Forest, CA. Zaca/Piru fire-affected watersheds. Select 2 of 6 riparian vegetation impaired Zaca watersheds: Alkali Canyon-Sisquoc River; West Fork, East Fork, Upper Santa Cruz Creek; Lower Mono Creek; Santa Barbara Canyon. Review all Zaca/Piru watersheds for restoration needs.