NFWF Grant Profile

Conservation Program(s):
Western Water
Project Title: Upper Green Valley Fish Passage Implementation (CA)
Gold Ridge Resource Conservation District
Project ID:

The project consists of several components which will address a major fish passage barrier and potential vertical instability in a 600-foot reach of upper Green Valley Creek. The lower portion of this reach is currently incised up to 20 feet below the level of its floodplain, while the upper portion is unincised. The grade of the upper reach is controlled by a failing road crossing. To ensure vertical stability of the reach, this crossing will be replaced. The entire 600-foot reach will be reconstructed to facilitate fish passage to unutilized spawning and rearing habitat upstream of the current barrier. Once this work is finished, an intensive riparian revegetation effort will be undertaken to improve and maintain instream habitat conditions. The revegetation work is the focus for this proposal.

Award Amount:
The project site is located on two private parcels off Green Valley Road, along upper Green Valley Creek, approximately seven miles northwest of the town of Sebastopol in western Sonoma County, California.