NFWF Grant Profile

Conservation Program(s):
Coral Reef Conservation Fund
Project Title: Integrating Ecology and Population Connectivity into Marine Area Management for the Mesoamerican Reef
Project ID:

Support coral reef regional planning across 12 priority reefs in Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, and Honduras by building local capacity to interpret ecological and genetic data and using available models to manage important reef fish stocks beyond protected area boarders. Project will provide training for at least two management organizations in each of the four countries to develop targeted conservation strategies and monitor changes in coral reef ecosystems resulting from management.

Award Amount:
Marine protected areas across Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, and Honduras including Isla Mujeres, Punta Cancun y Punta Nizuc, Xcalak, Banco Chinchorro, Half Moon Caye, Port Honduras, South Water Caye, Punta de Manabique, Cayos Cochinos, Sandy Bay - West End, and Turtle Harbour - Rock Harbour.

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Integrating Ecology and Population Connectivity into Marine Area Management for the Mesoamerican Reef View Now