NFWF Grant Profile

Conservation Program(s):
Klamath Basin Restoration Program
Project Title: Floodplain Habitat Restoration and Monitoring to Restore Coho Salmon in the Klamath Basin (CA)
Scott River Watershed Council
Project ID:

Restore and monitor .6 acres of floodplain along an existing terrace adjacent to Sugar Creek and develop a design to connect an additional 2 acres of coldwater refugia to Sugar Creek or the Scott River. Project will enhance coho salmon summer and winter rearing habitat by offering velocity refuge in the winter, productive feeding opportunities and cool water refugia for salmonids in the summer.

Award Amount:
The project will be in the “Yuba Dredge Tailings” reach within the historic Scott River floodplain, just south (upstream) of where Sugar Creek enters the Scott River, and just east of where Sugar Creek crosses Highway 3, in Siskiyou County, in the Klamath River watershed in northern California.