NFWF Grant Profile

Conservation Program(s):
Chesapeake Bay Small Watershed Grants
Project Title: Incorporating Green Infrastructure into Urban Agriculture Programs (DC)
Low Impact Development Center, Inc.
Project ID:

Develop a comprehensive nutrient and sediment control program in Washington, D.C., that promotes the integration of green infrastructure best management practices with sustainable urban agriculture programs. Project will install 0.2 acres of best management practices that will annually avoid 770 pounds of sediment, 0.81 pounds of phosphorus, and 7.09 pounds of nitrogen from entering local waters annually.

Award Amount:
The three sites identified for this project are: 1) East Capitol Urban Farm (WARD 7), 5901 East Capitol Street NE; 2) Maya Angelou High School (WARD 7), 5600 East Capitol Street SE; and 3) Pr Harris Educational Campus and Community College (Ward 8), 4600 Livingston Road SE.