NFWF Grant Profile

Conservation Program(s):
Damage Assessment, Remediation, and Restoration Program
Project Title: Fucus Restoration in San Francisco Bay Phase II
University of California - Santa Cruz
Project ID:

We propose phase II of the overall project to restore Fucus populations damaged as a result of the Cosco Busan oil spill in San Francisco Bay. Our earlier work assessed genetic structure (Whitaker et al, in press), outplant design, transplant approach, and sampling frequency for a restoration project. As part of those efforts, we also did a series of transplants to Point Isabel in Richmond, CA. Over the two years since the restoration project initiated, approximately 400 linear meters of coastline have recovered to the point where no further transplants are currently being considered. In Phase II, we propose to implement this restoration approach in areas near San Leandro Marina, an area affected by Cosco Busan oiling and cleanup activities.

Award Amount:
San Leandro Marina