NFWF Grant Profile

Conservation Program(s):
Hurricane Harvey Response Fund
Project Title: Aplomado Falcon Assessment and Restoration
The Peregrine Fund, Inc.
Project ID:

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will assess and replace highest priority original wooden nest structures with longer-lasting aluminum units. FES will conduct an occupancy and nesting survey to compare to previous year’s data to determine effects of Hurricane Harvey on the Aplomado Falcon population. The grasslands and marshes of the barrier islands along the Gulf of Mexico serve as primary habitat for the endangered Northern Aplomado Falcon. There are 39 documented pairs along the Texas Gulf Coast. 34 platforms have been installed in the historic range. 30 structures have been maintained and have proven to help significantly increase falcon productivity, doubling their reproductive output compared to attempts in natural nests. All locations were impacted by landfall of Hurricane Harvey. Assessment of nest structures has been completed for almost all locations. Assessments indicate that most of the structures have been destroyed, or have damage that will necessitate significant repair

Award Amount: