Texas A&M Forest Service will establish 600 acres of longleaf pine and enhance an additional 4,150 acres of existing longleaf habitat with prescribed fire and removal of mid-story hardwoods on private lands in east Texas. Targeted technical assistance will engage small family forest owners in conservation programs that promote stewardship planning, prescribed burning, and longleaf restoration and enhancement, benefitting Bachman's sparrow, Louisiana pine snake, northern bobwhite quail and numerous other longleaf and grassland-dependent species.
NFWF Grant Profile
Conservation Program(s):
Longleaf Stewardship Fund
Project Title: Facilitating Longleaf Conservation in East Texas
Texas A&M Forest Service
Project ID:
Award Amount:
Project is located within the Longleaf Ridge Significant Geographic Are (SGA). Priority areas will be targeted within Angelina, Jasper, Nacogdoches, Newton, Sabine, San Augustine, and Tyler Counties in Texas.