NFWF Grant Profile

Conservation Program(s):
Lower MS Alluvial Valley Fund
Project Title: Mississippi Landowner Outreach and Conservation Technical Assistance Program
Mississippi Land Trust
Project ID:

Employ a Farm Bill Specialist to build on past outreach efforts and implement a multi-year project with NRCS to improve landowners’ understanding and participation in NRCS conservation programs in Mississippi.The project will improve water quality, enhance wildlife populations, and meet landscape-level conservation priorities. Outcomes include 1,500 acres of existing bottomland hardood and longleaf pine forests under improved management, 3,500 acres placed under conservation easements and 1,000 landowners reached through outreach and technical assistance. At least 25% of the Farm Bill Specialist's time will be devoted to working with underserved landowners and agricultural producers.

Award Amount:
All Mississippi counties including 3 focal areas: the Mississippi River basin, Blackland Prarie and the upper Gulf Coastal Plain.