NFWF Grant Profile

Conservation Program(s):
Klamath Basin Restoration Program
Project Title: Creating and Restoring Off-Channel and Side Channel Habitat along Humbug and Seiad Creeks (CA)
Mid Klamath Watershed Council
Project ID:

Create 22,000 square feet of off-channel habitat and enhance a 700-foot long Klamath River side channel in the Klamath Basin. Project will benefit Klamath River steelhead, coho salmon and Chinook salmon by addressing key limiting factors affecting their survival, including lack of low-velocity over-wintering habitat and lack of thermal refuge.

Award Amount:
Seiad Creek, a tributary to the Klamath River, mid-Klamath Basin, CA and the Klamath River at Humbug Creek, mid-Klamath Basin, CA