NFWF Grant Profile

Conservation Program(s):
Southern California Forests and Watersheds
Project Title: Evaluation and restoration of degraded chaparral within Piru fire perimeter, Phase II
University of California - Santa Barbara
Project ID:

This pre proposal represents a second phase of a previously funded project. Here, we expand our seed collection efforts, and outplanting strategies. We will gather large amounts of seed of 15+ chaparral species focusing on 'hard chaparral' species rather than sage scrub because we have worked out successful ways to germinate large numbers of these species. Outplanting will be conducted using two different strategies: (1) landscape scale planting across a several acre area focusing on 9 species, and (2) local plant-trait based assemblages in 5 x 5 meter plots using up to 15 species. The goal of strategy (1) is to match success of species with location on the landscape while achieving enhancement of woody plant diversity and density across two degraded sites. Strategy 2 will compare the ability of three different species combinations to suppress alien grasses, survive drought, and store carbon. Species combinations will be chosen using a trait based program created by USFS-PSW in Hilo.

Award Amount:
This project will take place in two locations on the eastern edge of the Piru Fire scar in Ventura County California. These locations are on USFS property upstream from Lake Piru on the road skirting the perimeter of the lake's western shore. Sites were chosen with USFS personnel in 2016. The GIS po