NFWF Grant Profile

Conservation Program(s):
Sustain our Great Lakes Program
Project Title: Presque Isle Priority Wetland Restoration II (PA)
Ducks Unlimited, Inc.
Project ID:

Ducks Unlimited, Inc. will restore 800 acres of coastal wetland habitat at Presque Isle State Park through comprehensive invasive species remediation and revegetation of native plant communities. Project will build upon the success of previous habitat restoration and invasive species control efforts to restore critical habitat for numerous shorebirds, wading birds, and waterfowl species, including piping plover and least bittern.

Award Amount:
Presque Isle State Park in Erie County, Pennsylvania encompasses 3,200 acres, and contains several unique ecological communities, including the best remaining complex of sand dunes, sand barrens, emergent wetlands, and open-water lagoons along the U.S. shoreline of Lake Erie.