NFWF Grant Profile

Conservation Program(s):
New England Forests and Rivers Fund
Project Title: Restoring Aquatic Connectivity for Critical Eastern Brook Trout and Diadromous Fish Populations (ME)
Maine Audubon Society
Project ID:

Increase abundance and distribution of eastern brook trout and diadromous fish, including Atlantic salmon, in blocks of high elevation forest in the Saco, Presumpscot, Penobscot and Kennebec river basins of Maine. Project will result in replacement of 34 high priority stream crossing barriers and access to 66 miles of historic high quality stream habitat, using the U.S Forest Service Stream Simulation Design methodology, an ecosystem-based approach for constructing road-stream crossings.

Award Amount:
Municipalities of Brownfield, Charleston, Lincolnville, Starks, Temple, Phillips and Waterford, Maine