NFWF Grant Profile

Conservation Program(s):
Bring Back the Natives / More Fish
Project Title: Comprehensive Watershed Restoration and Stream Reconnection in the Clearwater and Grande Ronde Watershed (ID, OR)
Trout Unlimited, Inc.
Project ID:

Restore habitat and stream connectivity projects in two Snake River watersheds through a combination of Aquatic Organism Passage restoration, wood installation and floodplain reconnection projects. Project will restore natural hydrologic processes and increase resiliency for populations of trout, salmon, Pacific lamprey and other native fish species. Project will improve access to over 8 miles of habitat, restore water quality and habitat, and increase spawning success.

Award Amount:
Lochsa River in the Upper Clearwater subbasin, Idaho and the Grande Ronde River in the Upper Grande Ronde subbasin, Oregon