NFWF Grant Profile

Conservation Program(s):
Conservation Partners
Project Title: Flow for Coho: Streamflow Technical Assistance in the Russian River Watershed
Sonoma Resource Conservation District
Project ID:

Sonoma Resource Conservation District (RCD) and Gold Ridge RCD will provide technical assistance to farmers, ranchers, and forestland owners for enhancing streamflow for the recovery of Endangered Central California Coast (CCC) coho salmon Evolutionarily Significant Unit (ESU) in priority Russian River subwatersheds in Sonoma County, California. Technical assistance will include site visits and recommendations for landowners, the development of Best Management Practices (BMPs), and the completion of project designs that can be used in application to Farm Bill programs. Streamflow enhancement activities recommended and planned will include decreasing water use through enhancing irrigation efficiency, storing winter rainwater for dry season use while forbearing dry season streamflow diversions, recharging groundwater for base flow enhancement and reduction of peak flow velocities, arresting stream incision, and controlling erosion and sediment to reduce flow impairment.

Award Amount:
The project activities will take place in priority streams of the Russian River Watershed in Sonoma County, California for the recovery of Endangered Central California Coast coho Salmon Evolutionarily Significant Unit, as designated by the National Marine Fisheries Service.