NFWF Grant Profile

Conservation Program(s):
Chesapeake Off-Cycle Projects
Project Title: Chesapeake Stormwater Training and Engagement II: Enhancing Capacity for Urban Nutrient Reductions
Chesapeake Stormwater Network, Inc.
Project ID:

Increase the capacity of four target populations to accelerate the adoption of cost-effective stormwater practices that reduce sediment and nutrient loads to the Chesapeake Bay. Project will deliver education, research guidance, local inspector trainings, and a stormwater-focused website to staff at more than 500 small MS4 communities, stormwater managers in larger Phase 1 communities, local stormwater inspectors, and under-served stormwater managers in the headwater states.

The project involves seven tasks that are described in more detail in the project narrative.

Award Amount:
Chesapeake Bay Wide