NFWF Grant Profile

Conservation Program(s):
Longleaf Stewardship Fund
Project Title: Coordinating Local Implementation Team Capacity and Landowner Technical Assistance and Outreach (AL, FL, GA, LA, MS, NC, SC, TX, VA) - IV
The Longleaf Alliance, Inc.
Project ID:

Improve and sustain coordination and exchange of information among 17 multi-partner local implementation teams that organize, plan and deliver conservation actions to restore and enhance the longleaf pine ecosystem. Project will support strategic on-the-ground restoration through conservation planning, as well as tracking and communication of longleaf pine restoration accomplishments.

Award Amount:
The LIT Consul and GIS Support Specialist positions provide support rangewide for all 17 Local Implementation Teams. LPC Meetings are held biannually and change locations within the longleaf range.