NFWF Grant Profile

Conservation Program(s):
Longleaf Stewardship Fund
Project Title: Sandhills (SC) Longleaf Pine Conservation Partnership (VII)
Chesterfield County Soil and Water Conservation District
Project ID:

Establish and enhance 1,270 acres of privately-owned longleaf pine habitat in the South Carolina Sandhills region to benefit bird species such as Bachman's sparrow, northern bobwhite and wild turkey, and reptiles such as the southern hognose snake. Project will utilize a geospatial forest inventory database to identify high-priority properties for longleaf pine restoration, and will work with willing landowners to plant longleaf pine and implement management practices, such as prescribed burning on existing longleaf forests to improve wildlife habitat.

Award Amount:
The Partnership Focus Area includes 466,000 acres in Chesterfield and Darlington Counties in the sandhills physiographic region of SC