NFWF Grant Profile

Conservation Program(s):
Longleaf Stewardship Fund
Project Title: Conserving Longleaf Forests, Wildlife Habitat, and Water Resources through Innovative Partnerships (FL, GA, LA, SC, TX)
The Longleaf Alliance, Inc.
Project ID:

Restore and enhance 5,000 acres of longleaf pine habitat within priority drinking water supply watersheds in the Southeast. Project will build partnerships between forestry and conservation organizations, landowners and drinking water supply utilities and provide private landowners with technical and financial assistance to restore and enhance longleaf pine habitat, protecting drinking water supplies and benefitting the gopher frog and other at-risk forested-wetland dependent species.

Award Amount:
Mid-lower Savannah watershed in Georgia and South Carolina; Shaws Creek subwatershed and South Fork Edisto basin in South Carolina; Cooper River and Santee subwatersheds in South Carolina; Lower Flint River in Georgia; the Florida panhandle; Texas; and west-central Louisiana watersheds