NFWF Grant Profile

Conservation Program(s):
New England Forests and Rivers Fund
Project Title: Install a Fishway to Restore Passage for River Herring at Baskahegan Lake and Crooked Brook (ME)
Atlantic Salmon Federation (U.S.), Inc.
Project ID:

Construct a fishway at the Crooked Brook Dam in the town of Danforth, Maine that will connect the Crooked Brook and Baskahegan Lake in the upper Penobscot River. Project will reconnect 8,960 pond and lake acres and 137 stream miles to the Penobscot with the potential to add 2 million adult river herring to the system and benefit other species including Atlantic salmon, American eel and sea lamprey.

Award Amount:
Crooked Brook, Penosbscot River, Town of Danforth, Washington County, Maine