NFWF Grant Profile

Conservation Program(s):
Bring Back the Natives / More Fish
Project Title: Reconnecting Floodplains for Native Fish in the Lower Snake and Mid-Columbia Headwaters (OR)
Trout Unlimited, Inc.
Project ID:

Build woody debris and beaver dam analogues using roving hand crews to improve habitat resiliency and restore ecological function for native fish species in the Lower Snake and Mid-Columbia Headwaters. Project will implement low-tech, high-impact approaches to restore ecosystem groundwater storage capacity, thereby improving habitat for Columbia River Basin steelhead, Chinook salmon, Pacific lamprey, and Bull trout.

Award Amount:
North Fork John Day Basin includes implementation on North Fork Cable Creek, Camas Creek, Desolation Meadows -NF Desolation, Kelsay Creek, and Howard Creek. Grande Ronde Basin implementation will occur on the main stem of the Wallowa River. Project planning will occur on the Middle Fork John Day.