NFWF Grant Profile

Conservation Program(s):
Southwestern Rivers
Project Title: Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge Restoration Project (NM)
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge
Project ID:

Restore the Rio Hondo river channel and replace five miles of boundary fencing with pronghorn-friendly fence at Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge. Project will improve the overall health of the river channel and improve conditions for federally endangered and threatened species such as the Pecos gambusia (Gambusia nobilis) and state species of concern Pecos pupfish (Cypriondon pecosensis), as well as improve habitat connectivity for pronghorn.

Award Amount:
Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge is situated right on the Pecos River, 20 miles East of Roswell. The location of the project will take place on the Middle Tract's west fence (main portion of the refuge) and the South Tract (farm) property which includes the Pecos River and Rio Hondo Channel.