NFWF Grant Profile

Conservation Program(s):
Chesapeake Bay Innovative Nutrient and Sediment Reduction
Project Title: Scaling Up Biochar Applications for Accelerated Stormwater Runoff Reduction in the Chesapeake Bay
Center for Watershed Protection, Inc.
Project ID:

Accelerate the rate and scale at which biochar amendments are applied in the urban landscape to support runoff reduction and improved water quality across the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Project will 1) mature the partnership structure to ensure effectiveness and longevity, 2) deliver unified education and outreach around the benefits of biochar, 3) secure new partners who are committed to formalizing the infrastructure for widespread use of biochar amendments, and 4) provide technical assistance to partners on sourcing and using certified biochar in a variety of urban applications.

Award Amount:
Washington, DC; Arlington County and City of Waynesboro, Virginia; Howard and Carroll Counties, Maryland; and the Borough of Hanover in Pennsylvania