NFWF Grant Profile

Conservation Program(s):
Southwestern Rivers
Project Title: Habitat Restoration and Reintroduction for Imperiled Herpetofauna of the Black, San Francisco, and Upper Gila-Mangas Watersheds (AZ, NM)
Amphibian and Reptile Conservancy
Project ID:

Restore wetland habitat quality and availability in the San Francisco, Upper Gila-Mangas, and Black River watersheds through a watershed inventory of target species and threats, prioritization of potential remediation sites, wetland restoration, and ultimately, Chiricahua leopard frog reintroduction. Project will create eight, 1-acre wetlands, and .25 miles of heavy-duty livestock exclusion fencing to increase habitat quality, availability, and biodiversity to critical headwaters of the Upper Gila and Salt Rivers.

Award Amount:
San Francisco and Upper Gila-Mangas watersheds of the Gila River Basin, and in the Black watershed of the Salt River Basin, Arizona and New Mexico.