NFWF Grant Profile

Conservation Program(s):
Klamath Basin Restoration Program
Project Title: ESA Listed Sucker Rearing Pond Development (OR)
General Klamath Tribal Administration
Project ID:

Recover Klamath Basin Lake Lost River and shortnose suckers by rearing naturally produced larvae and hatchery produced larvae to be released into Upper Klamath Lake and its tributaries. The entire rearing operation's goal is to release approximately 100,000 fish of various ages per year to support dwindling wild populations on the brink of extinction. Rearing ponds are a critical component of enabling survival of sucker populations by allowing larvae to grow large enough to be reintroduced to the Upper Klamath Basin. The current requested funding will be used to construct three additional ponds, which will contribute to the overall goal of the project.

Award Amount:
The project is located in Chiloquin, Oregon at the Klamath Tribes' Aquatics Research Station.