NFWF Grant Profile

Conservation Program(s):
Central Appalachia Habitat Stewardship Program
Project Title: Improving Soil Health and Water Quality Using Agricultural Best Management Practices in Smyth County (VA)
Evergreen Soil and Water Conservation District
Project ID:

Advance use of best management practices on private land in Smyth County, Virginia to improve soil health and water quality by focusing on upland and riparian forest restoration on the North Fork, Middle Fork and South Fork of the Holston River, which is a biodiversity hotspot for eastern hellbender and freshwater mussels. Project will implement 1,800 acres of conservation tillage, install 10 miles of livestock exclusion fencing, restore five miles of riparian buffer and establish 150 acres of cover crops.

Award Amount:
Holston River Watershed, Smyth County, Virginia