Grants Library

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation supports vital conservation projects across the United States and its territories. Please search our grants library for additional information on individual grants.

Year Name Organization Location Award Amount
2022 Advancing Shortgrass Prairie Conservation at Heartland Ranch Nature Preserve (CO) Southern Plains Land Trust, Inc. Heartland Ranch Nature Preserve in Bent County, Southeastern Colorado $183,480.00
2022 Planning for St. Marys River Coastal Wetland Resiliency (MI) Sault Sainte Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians St. Marys River, Chippewa and Mackinac Counties, Michigan $123,713.87
2022 Restoring Prairie Habitat and Public Space in Riggs Heritage Park (MI) Charter Township of Van Buren Riggs Heritage Park, Wayne County, Michigan $100,000.00
2022 Enhancing Grassland Habitat through Data-Informed Adaptive Grazing Management and Restoration (NM) Western Landowners Alliance Chaves County in eastern New Mexico $295,823.05
2022 Coordinating Cover Crop Adoption to Conserve Natural Resources in Iowa Practical Farmers of Iowa Iowa $849,995.94
2022 Designing Wetland Restoration for South Wilmington (DE) City of Wilmington, Delaware Wilmington, New Castle County, Delaware $475,000.00
2022 Water Conservation in Orchards in the Lower Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin (GA) Flint River Soil and Water Conservation District Lower Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River watershed
2022 Restoring Salmon Habitat in Halfmile Creek on Tàan (AK) Southeast Alaska Watershed Coalition Halfmile Creek, Prince of Wales Island, Southeast Alaska $58,045.50
2022 Restoring Riparian and Upland Habitat in the Rio Grande Natural Area (CO) Costilla County Rio Grande Natural Area, 32 miles of Rio Grande from the Alamosa National Wildlife
Refuge south to the CO/NM border, the RGNA's ¼ mile on both sides of the river and
adjacent private uplands, Colorado Parks and WIldlife's San Luis Hills State Wildlife
Area, Costilla County Open Space and BLM.
2022 FieldDoc Implementation for Restoration Tracking in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Commons, Inc. District of Columbia $299,017.22