Grants Library

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation supports vital conservation projects across the United States and its territories. Please search our grants library for additional information on individual grants.

Year Name Organization Location Award Amount
1990 Dow, Mad Island (TX)-I The Nature Conservancy & Ducks Unlimited Matagorda County, Texas $100,000.00
1990 NAWMP 3rd Step, Illinois Illinois Department of Conservation Southern Illinois $133,334.00
1989 Marbled Murrelet Research (OR)-II Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Western Oregon $10,000.00
1989 Idaho Biodiversity/Gap Analysis-II Idaho Cooperative Research Unit Idaho $33,985.00
1989 Pacific Coast Shorebirds and Wetlands Point Reyes Bird Observatory California, Oregon, Washington $20,000.00
1989 Gulf Coast Joint Venture Leasing U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Region 2 Coastal Louisiana and Texas $170,899.00
1989 California Wetland Incentives California Waterfowl Association Central Valley, California $77,500.00
1989 Great Lakes Fishery Film Michigan Sea Grant Extension Great Lakes Region $125,000.00
1989 Cache River (IL) Wetland Acquisition-I The Nature Conservancy Southern Illinois $100,000.00
1989 NAWMP 2nd Step, Oklahoma Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation East-central Oklahoma $5,333.00